Эффективность экспресс-теста KAT-P.f. ("КАТ Medical" ЮАР) среди популяций лекарственно устойчивых паразитов

Efficiency of KAT-Quick P.f. test (KAT Medical, SAR) among the populations of drug-re sistant parasites

The KAT-Quick P.f. test (KAT Medical, South African Republic) is based on the detection of protein HPR II produced by trophozoites and young gametocytes of P.falciparum. This test was conducted by the authors in the distribution areas of P.falciparum strains differing in the spectrum of drug resistance. Five hundred and forty-nine blood samples from febrile patients in Vietnam (n=84), Sierra Leone (n=41), Nigeria (n=14), Tanzania (n=8), Kenya (n=5), and Tadjikistan (n=397) were tested. Microscopy served as a primary control. Detection of P. falciparum DNA, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with included primers (nested PCR) of the most sensitive modification of PCR was a final control. The efficiency of the KAT-Quick P.f. test was estimated as a ratio of the number of its positive results to those of PCR. It was equal to 98-95%. The KAT-Quick P.f. test revealed no false-positive case associated with the genome of the parasite. The specificity of the test was determined as a ratio of the number of its negative (no P.falciparum) results to those of PCR. The blood samples from patients with vivax malaria and from those with non-malarial fever were investigated. There was no cross reaction of the KAT-Quick P.f. test system for P.falciparum with that for P.vivax. The KAT-Quick P.f. test yielded no positive reaction with the blood from patients with non-malarial fever. Drug resistance depending on the spectrum of specific drugs caused its emergence may be determined by one or several mechanisms that are ultimately determined by one, the key mechanism. Thus, the findings suggest that multidrug resistance of P. falciparum does not trigger the occurrence of changes in its surface antigen - HRPII that is responsible for the efficiency of the KAT-Quick P.f. test. These maybe also extrapolated to other rapid tests patterned after the same principle.

Rabinovich S.A. 1 , Kong L.D.2 , Ha N.V. 3 , Morozov Ye.N. 1 , Toropov D.Ye.8 , Kukina I.V.1 , Maksakovskaya Ye.V.1 , Yakovenko M.A. 3 , Chalyi V.F.5 , Fandeyev V.A.5 , Pozdnyakova Ye.A.6 , Nikityuk Yu.Ye.7 , Sergiev V.P.1
Number of issue
  • 1 ИМПиТМ им. Е.И.Марциновского ММА им. И.М.Сеченова
  • 2 Институт маляриологии, паразитологии и энтомологии, Вьетнам, Ханой
  • 3 РУДН, медицинский факультет, кафедра инфекционных болезней
  • 4 Государственный Институт Усовершенствования врачей
  • 5 Министерство Обороны РФ, Москва
  • 6 Медицинский отдел пограничной службы РФ
  • 7 Лечебный отдел МИД РФ, Москва
  • 8 Посольство РФ в Нигерии, Лагос

Other records

Дашицыренова А.Д., Пройдаков А.Г., Рохин А.В., Калабин Г.А., Кушнарев Д.Ф.
Химия твердого топлива. Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр Наука. 2006. P. 40-48