В статье исследуется социальный состав участников восстания против французского короля в приморской Фландрии в 1323-1328 гг. Автор показал, что если требования крестьянства имели социально-экономический характер, то требования горожан имели как социально-экономический, так и политический характер. На основании исследования списков погибших в битве при Касселе 1328 г. установлено, что среди крестьянства в восстании принимали участие в-основном зажиточные слои землевладельцев, а в городах - ремесленники (ткачи, ювелиры, содержатели гостиниц, трактирщики и т. п.). The article examines the social status of the people who took part in the uprising in maritime Flanders against the French crown in 1323 - 1328. The author showed that the demands of peasantry were mostly social and economic, the inhabitants of cities, however, had political demands in addition to the social and political ones. Study of the lists of those who died in the uprising shows that they were mostly from the rich groups of landowners or from specific social groups in the cities (weavers, juwellers, hotel and taverne owners).
The article examines the social status of the people who took part in the uprising in maritime Flanders against the French crown in 1323 - 1328. The author showed that the demands of peasantry were mostly social and economic, the inhabitants of cities, however, had political demands in addition to the social and political ones. Study of the lists of those who died in the uprising shows that they were mostly from the rich groups of landowners or from specific social groups in the cities (weavers, juwellers, hotel and taverne owners).