Studying the Influence of Gamification Tools on the Development of Emotional Intelligence as a Professionally Significant Property of the Teacher's Personality

The development of emotional intelligence of a teacher is both a direction to improve the teacher training system, and a condition for the social adaptation of young professionals, and the prevention of emotional burnout syndrome, and a factor to raise the quality of education in general. Gamification tools allow creating additional conditions for the formation of both personal characteristics and professional competencies of digital school mentors. The purpose of the work is to study the possibilities of using gamification services for developing emotional intelligence as a professionally significant trait of a teacher's personality. The methodology is based on the analysis of the potential of digital technologies with the possibilities of gamification of learning both for the development of emotional intelligence and professional qualities of a teacher. The software implementation of game mechanics is performed by the tools of the AhaSlides gaming platform. D.V. Lyusin's questionnaire is used to determine the level of emotional intelligence. The results of the study. The possibilities of AhaSlides for the development of emotional intelligence are determined by the example of working with a QR code; with a time limit; when processing hidden results; when creating interactive presentations with surveys, a cloud of words, open questions. The conclusion describes factors influencing the effectiveness of using gamification tools for the development of emotional intelligence of a teacher: temperament properties, features of information processing, range of interests, information and digital literacy, experience of participation in gaming events.

Soboleva E.V.1 , Suvorova T.N. 2, 3 , Masharova T.V.4 , Razova E.V.1
Academic Publishing House Researcher
Number of issue
  • 1 Vyatka State University
  • 2 Moscow City University
  • 3 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba
  • 4 Moscow City Pedagogical University
digital technology; personality property; game mechanics; information interaction; emotionally comfortable environment; Ahaslides

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