Business Analysis System is a business analysis technology that allows you to calculate key performance indicators (KPI) based on accurate and reliable data and visualize their dynamics. The system will form a convenient interactive dashboard, on which visually presented data are grouped by meaning. Modern business analysis systems have many features, including data collection and processing, information aggregation and visualization. BI-systems provide quick access to information in real time, in addition there is an access distribution function. A well-tuned analyst takes much of the work off staff and frees them from routine day-to-day tasks, and by providing managers with accurate, up-to-date data, speeds up their decisionmaking. However, the external simplicity of interaction with the business analysis system hides the complex mechanisms of data processing and preparation for analysis. Today, the market of BIsystems presents many solutions. Deploying automatic analytics is a serious investment in the future of the company, helping to implement a data-based management approach.