In a world where fast shipping is not just a luxury, but an expectation, choosing the right type of logistics transportation for your company is crucial for the success of your business, the safety of your product and the happiness of your customers. No matter how you ship, there are advantages and downsides to each method. The secret to finding the best transportation option for your business is understanding these differences. The transport and storage of dangerous chemicals and goods has increased with technical development and production development. An accident occurring during the transport of dangerous goods can lead to catastrophic consequences: laws and recommendations have been established to protect the society and the environment. The hazardous properties of products or chemicals should be clearly stated so that people of all stages of the transport chain are aware of them. This information should always follow the goods so that people can recognize the risks, avoid accidental mishandling and have the right kind of the personal protection at their disposal in case of leakage. Dangerous goods can be explosive, flammable, toxic, radioactive, corrosive or harmful in some other way to humans, animals or the environment. The empty containers and packages of dangerous goods can present the same hazards as the chemical substance or product they contained and should also be regarded as dangerous goods. 50 per cent of transported goods are dangerous. Large amounts of other highly dangerous goods, such as hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, sulphuric dioxide, nitric acid, phenol and methanol are transported regularly. Before you choose a logistics transportation method, consider the following factors and use the information to guide your decision making.

Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов им. Патриса Лумумбы
опасные грузы; законы и рекомендации; риски; этикетки; маркировка; документы; автомобильная перевозка; несовместимые опасные грузы; dangerous goods; laws and recommendations; risks; labels; marking; documents; transport by road; incompatible dangerous goods

Other records

Масленникова Д.А.
Новые технологии в инженерии. Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН). 2023. P. 180-183