Иммерсивная виртуальная реальность как инструмент для изучения русского языка как иностранного

Рассматривается актуальная проблема исследования эффективности применения технологий виртуальной реальности в образовательном процессе. Описываваются преимущества и недостатки использования технологий виртуальной реальности в образовательном процессе университетской среды. Приводится структура модифицированного учебного процесса с комбинацией неиммерсивной, полуиммерсивной и иммерсивной сред на примере занятий по русскому языку как иностранному. Предлагается проект программы RFL VR для изучения русского языка как иностранного с применением технологий виртуальной реальности. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

This study is actualized by the problem of using immersive virtual reality in learning process in higher educational institutions. This research contains the analysis of both empirically proven and potential benefits and drawbacks of using virtual reality (VR) in interdisciplinary education. The analysis is based on the latest studies published by the diverse scientific community on the research of how VR affects the perception and memorization of new academic materials. The results show that VR is able to expand the boundaries of controversial learning processes. However, nowadays VR technologies are used for short-term experiments, while little is known about VR’s impact on perception and memorization in long-term learning. Immersive VR is predicted to have a significant impact on foreign language learning. Scientists are investigating the effectiveness of immersive environments in learning new vocabulary of a second language. This study proposes a system for modeling integrated learning using VR technologies in Russian as a foreign language (RFL) lessons for different purposes: general language proficiency, professional communication. The authors propose a system for combining immersive, semi-immersive and non-immersive environments at RFL classes. This system, which consists of three stages, is based on the cognitive load theory. Also, the system considers the linguistic and cultural features of students’ native language. Furthermore, this study suggests a VR program project RFL VR; the purpose of the program is not only to provide the necessary conditions for memorizing new vocabulary in Russian, but also to simulate virtual scenario situations in which a foreign student may potentially interact in a new language environment. The greatest advantage of virtual scenario situations based on RFL gaming methodology is that students who have previously gone through a particular situation in a virtual environment can reduce the stress of communication in the future because, as a result, they have a similar experience. Moreover, VR is able not only to ensure a decrease in students’ anxiety during learning a foreign (Russian) language and increase motivation, but also create a realistic environment which is very similar to our life. Results of the research show that it is hardly possible to recreate educational communicative situations in the academic environment that are as close to reality as possible, using only computers and education projectors. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

Number of issue
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
Immersive virtual environment; second language acquisition; russian as foreign language; learning games; perception; problem-solving; иммерсивная виртуальная среда; изучение второго языка; русский как иностранный; учебные игры; восприятие; решение проблем

Other records

Глушков П.С., Азимов Р.Х., Хусанов Ш.С., Левикин К.Е., Карнеев Н.А., Шемятовский К.А., Горский В.А., Сидорова А.С.
Инфекции в хирургии. Vol. 21. 2023. P. 30-38