Animal Metabolite Database: Metabolite Concentrations in Animal Tissues and Convenient Comparison of Quantitative Metabolomic Data

The Animal Metabolite Database (AMDB, is a freely accessible database with built-in statistical analysis tools, allowing one to browse and compare quantitative metabolomics data and raw NMR and MS data, as well as sample metadata, with a focus on the metabolite concentrations rather than on the raw data itself. AMDB also functions as a platform for the metabolomics community, providing convenient deposition and exchange of quantitative metabolomic data. To date, the majority of the data in AMDB relate to the metabolite content of the eye lens and blood of vertebrates, primarily wild species from Siberia, Russia and laboratory rodents. However, data on other tissues (muscle, heart, liver, brain, and more) are also present, and the list of species and tissues is constantly growing. Typically, every sample in AMDB contains concentrations of 60–90 of the most abundant metabolites, provided in nanomoles per gram of wet tissue weight (nmol/g). We believe that AMDB will become a widely used tool in the community, as typical metabolite baseline concentrations in tissues of animal models will aid in a wide variety of fundamental and applied scientific fields, including, but not limited to, animal modeling of human diseases, assessment of medical formulations, and evolutionary and environmental studies.

Yanshole V.V.2 , Melnikov A.D.1 , Yanshole L.V.1 , Zelentsova E.A.1 , Snytnikova O.A.1 , Osik N.A.2, 1 , Fomenko M.V.2, 1 , Savina E.D.1 , Kalinina A.V.1 , Sharshov K.A.3 , Dubovitskiy N.A.3 , Kobtsev M.S.2 , Zaikovskii A.A.4 , Mariasina S.S. 5, 6, 7 , Tsentalovich Y.P.1
Number of issue
  • 1 Novosibirsk State University
  • 2 International Tomography Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 3 Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of Fundamental and Translational Medicine"
  • 4 Saint Petersburg State University
  • 5 Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • 6 Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • 7 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
database; quantitative metabolomics; data reuse; data exchange; animal tissues; NMR spectroscopy; Lc-ms

Other records

Апресян С.В., Степанов А.Г., Гизингер О.А., Игумнов А.И., Вельмакина И.В., Горяинова К.Э., Московец О.О.
Клиническая стоматология. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью ТБИ Компания. Vol. 26. 2023. P. 172-177
Богомолова Е.Н.
Вопросы прикладной лингвистики. Некоммерческое партнерство Национальное Объединение Преподавателей Иностранных Языков Делового и Профессионального Общения в сфере бизнеса. 2023. P. 57-79