4-Oxo-7-fluoro-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-diamides: Synthesis, Structural Features, Lanthanide Complexes, and Am(III)/Ln(III) Solvent Extraction

A highly efficient synthetic approach was developed for the synthesis of unsymmetrical 1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-diamides with two different substituents in the fourth and seventh positions of the phenanthroline core. The structures of these ligands were confirmed using various spectral methods including 2D-NMR and X-ray analysis. Quantum chemical calculations supported the presence of tautomeric forms of these ligands. Furthermore, it was discovered that these compounds exhibit polydentate ligand behavior toward lanthanide nitrates. The structural characteristics of the complexes formed between these ligands and lanthanide nitrates were investigated both in the solid state and in solution. To further understand the binding properties of these novel unsymmetrical ligands, the binding constants for potential complexes were quantitatively measured by using UV–vis spectrophotometric titration. This allowed for a comprehensive analysis of the binding affinity and stability of these complexes. Extraction experiments of f-elements were performed for symmetrical and unsymmetrical diamides. Overall, this study presents significant advancement in the synthesis and characterization of unsymmetrical 1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-diamides and provides valuable insights into their potential applications as polydentate ligands for lanthanide nitrates.

Avagyan Nane A.1 , Lemport Pavel S.1 , Roznyatovsky Vitaly A.1 , Evsiunina Mariia V.1 , Matveev Petr I.1 , Gerasimov Mikhail A.1 , Lyssenko Konstantin A.1 , Goncharenko Victoria E.1 , Khrustalev Victor N. 2, 3 , Dorovatovskii Pavel V.4 , Tarasevich Boris N.1 , Yakushev Alexei A.1 , Averin Alexei D.1 , Gloriozov Igor P.1 , Petrov Vladimir G.1 , Ustynyuk Yuri A.1 , Nenajdenko Valentine G.1
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  • 1 Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie gory 1 bld. 3, Moscow 119991, Russia
  • 2 N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119991, Russia
  • 3 Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow 115419, Russia
  • 4 National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow 123182, Russia
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