Проведенное в 2003-2004 годах эколого-орнитологическое обследование международного аэропорта «Шереметьево» и прилегающей к нему территории позволили создать макет информационной системы обеспечения безопасности и прогнозирования вероятности столкновения воздушного судна с птицами в аэропортах.
In 2003-2004 the ecological-ornithological research of Sheremetyevo airport area was conducted by specialists of the Laboratory of Avian's Ecology and Behavior Control of IPEE RAS. This investigation showed the main problem of the airport safety. The ecological-ornithological investigation was the first step to improve airport safety. The second step was creation an informational database of birds' location on the investigated area, developing recommendations of using modern methods to reduce birds' density and control their number. The next step in development of the airport informational system will be creation of three-dimensional informational system which will allow controlling ecological-ornithological situation in real time regime, making necessary corrections into flight management and receiving short-and long-term prognoses.