Analysis of mortgage lending in conditions of instability

This research considers mortgages as an effective tool for solving problems in the real estate market and improving socio-economic indicators and the population's welfare. In fact, there are various problems in the development of mortgage loans. This topic is currently relevant due to its relative novelty, the imperfection of the real estate market, and many negative socio-economic factors of the macro environment. The paper identifies the problems and prospects for the development of mortgage lending in the country. It is known that the primary purpose of a mortgage loan is to simplify public access to the acquisition of real estate (housing). Since the cost of good housing in the real estate market is relatively high, significantly exceeding the incomes of most citizens, a mortgage, in theory, becomes an attractive way to purchase real estate, regardless of a person's income level, with minor inconveniences. However, as experience shows, in practice, a mortgage loan does not always work in accordance with theory, thereby losing its main function of simplifying the process of acquiring real estate. Given that mortgage loans are a relatively new phenomenon in Russia, which is associated with many problems, to assess the prospects for its development in the country, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the situation using statistical data.

Niyazbekova Sh.U. 1, 2 , Margatskaya G.S.3 , Patashkova Y.S.3 , Stepannikova O.A. 4 , Dzhazykbaeva B.K.5
  • 1 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 2 Moscow Witte University
  • 3 "Turan" university
  • 4 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • 5 Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz Republic Kazakhstan
welfare of the population; mortgage lending; Socio-economic factors; income level; purchase of real estate

Other records

Чхеидзе Тинатин, Жилоков З.Г., Куликова Н.Г., Ткаченко А.С.
Russian Journal of Environmental and Rehabilitation Medicine. Бобровницкий Игорь Петрович, Нагорнев Сергей Николаевич, Василенко Алексей Михайлович. 2023. P. 36-41