For ages and millenia, Russian language has seen significant transitions from major alphabetical reforms and structural changes to the simplifying of the grammatical order and introduction of new versions of the same alphabets. The rich Russian language, which, finally upon being given cyrillic script based alphabetical system by Saints Cyril and Methodius, gained a written structure for the oral pre-existing lingual pronunciations and vernacular, and is known to be be extremely well structured with the use of scientifically adaptable case systems called «Падежы» or cases, based on Slavic language family. This was the vernacular based old Russian or better known as Church Slavonic in present times. The first wave of purposeful introduction of westernization in Russian language is more prominently visible at the time of Peter the Great, when the Eussian language witnessed its first lexical and lingual pattern shift and changes due to intonation and growing influence of European languages like French. Further, globalization post Soviet era also played a role in faster adaptation of a foreign language and usage of loan words or borrowed words in the common lexicon, which was done to bridge the gap in the terminologies available in the native language to express an idea, concept, information, technology or scientific terminology, which is not pre-existent in native languages before their development, discovery or widespread usage.