Features of the Development and Course of Otolaryngological Diseases in Patients with Chronic Renal Insufficiency

In the modern world, patients suffering from chronic renal insufficiency quite often also have a number of other diseases, among which otolaryngological ailments occupy far from the last place. The causes of the development of ENT diseases against the background of the development or chronic course of kidney disease usually lie in the weakening of the immune system of patients, as well as in the use of certain pharmacological complexes by the latter, which have side effects expressed in a negative effect on the functions of ENT organs. Patients who have been shown and underwent kidney transplantation are particularly at risk of developing otolaryngological diseases, since such patients need lifelong treatment to suppress the immune system and minimize the likelihood of organ rejection. A decrease in the body’s defenses under certain conditions leads to the development of diseases of various natures, including otolaryngological ones. The authors believe that the otorhinolaryngological dysfunctions discussed above that have arisen in patients with CKD are usually permanent and difficult to control, have a negative impact on the quality of life of patients with CKD. For this reason, patients suffering from CKD should be regularly monitored by an otolaryngologist, undergoing regular examinations. The importance of these procedures is determined by the fact that individual otolaryngological disorders, in case of their early detection, may be reversible. In addition, correctly and timely prescribed treatment can limit the development of individual ENT pathologies.

Savchenko A.A. 1 , Avkaeva S.Y.2 , Avkaeva S.Y.3 , Velmatova E.V.4 , Lyaskanova L.V.4 , Geidarova E.M.4
Российский новый университет
Number of issue
  • 1 RUDN University
  • 2 Group of private multidisciplinary medical clinics “ABC-medicine”
  • 3 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education
  • 4 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
kidney diseases; Chronic Renal Failure; transplantation; immunosuppression; otolaryngological diseases; hearing loss; Nervous auditory
Date of creation
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Хидирбегишвили А.А., Хотивришвили А.А., Горюнов И.П.
Россия и мир: научный диалог. Национальный институт исследований и развития проектов в сфере межнациональных, межконфессиональных, межэтнических, межкультурных и межстрановых коммуникаций. 2023. P. 54-65