В данной статье будет рассмотрено военное и политическое противостояние между Индией и Пакистаном. Официальная позиция стран по вопросу спорных территорий и в целом по изменению политического курса в отношении стран-оппонентов заложена в обращениях официальных лиц и в таких внешнеполитических документах как Стратегия национальной безопасности. Ввиду публикации новой Стратегии национальной безопасности Пакистана в 2022 году её анализ приобретает особую актуальность для определения новейших тенденций в отношении Пакистана к Индии.
Аnnotation. This article will consider the military and political confrontation between India and Pakistan. The official position of the countries on the issue of disputed territories and, in general, on changing the political course towards the opposing countries is laid down in the appeals of officials and in such foreign policy documents as the National Security Strategy. In view of the publication of the new National Security Strategy of Pakistan in 2022, its analysis becomes particularly relevant for determining the latest trends in Pakistan's attitude towards India. The authors will analyze the national security strategies of both states, thus express the official position of the countries in relation to each other and to the disputed territory, as well as compare the military potential of both states at the moment. Through the aforementioned actions, the authors will eventually present a modern picture of relations between India and Pakistan based on the National Security Strategies of the countries.