Замарашкина В.А.

Zamarashkina V.

List of records

Писарюк А.С., Замарашкина В.А., Сафарова Н.Б., Поваляев Н.М., Котова Е.О., Бабухина Ю.И., Кольцова Е.М., Кобалава Ж.Д.
Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology. Stolichnaya Izdatelskaya Kompaniya. Vol. 18. 2022. P. 320-331
Likhacheva I.F., Bukoftan L.F., Ezyukova T.S., Zamarashkina V.A., Kostina A.A.
Modern Paradigm of the Scientific Knowledge: Actuality and Prospects: proceedings of the V International Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages. Языки Народов Мира. 2017. P. 89-91

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