Dolzhikova A.

List of records

Dolzhikova A., Arslanov R., Moseikina M., Linkova E., Bukalerova L.
9th International conference on education and new learning technologies. 3-5 July, 2017. Barcelona, Spain. Published in: Edulearn 17 proceedings.. Edulearn. 2017. P. 7,899-7,903
Dolzhikova A., Kurilenko V., Biryukova Yu., Makarova M., Kunovsky M.
Web of Science,Scopus 4th International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts, SGEM 2017, Vienna, Austria, 28-31 March 2017. [б.и.]. 2017. P. 658-668
Dolzhikova A., Kurilenko V., Ahninia K., Zelenova O., Gatinskaya N.
Web of Science,Scopus 4th International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts, SGEM 2017, Vienna, Austria, 28-31 March 2017. [б.и.]. 2017. P. 553-563

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