A HOLISTIC ASSESSMENT OF DIRECTIONAL DEAFNESS IN MMWAVE-BASED DISTRIBUTED 3D NETWORKS Article Chukhno Olga, Chukhno Nadezhda, Galinina Olga, Andreev Sergey, Gaidamaka Yuliya, Samouylov Konstantin, Araniti Giuseppe IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2022. P. 1-1
ОПТИМАЛЬНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ МОЩНОСТЬЮ ПЕРЕДАЧИ УСТРОЙСТВА В ГЕТЕРОГЕННЫХ СЕТЯХ СВЯЗИ Article Галинина О., Андреев С., Кучерявый Е. Distributed computer and communication networks: control, computation, communications (DCCN-2018). РУДН. 2018. P. 79-83
UNDERSTANDING THE "WEARABLE LANDSCAPE": A SURVEY Article Galinina Olga Applied Problems in Theory of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics Into Telecommunications APTP + MS' 2017: Proceedings 11th International Workshop. 9-13 October 2017, Reggio di Calabria, Italy. Изд-во РУДН. 2017. 7 p.