Тиньков А.А.

Tinkov A.A.
eLIBRARY: 649735

List of records

Tinkov A.A., Gatiatulina E.R.I., Skalnaya A.A., Popova E.V., Nikonorov A.A., Skalny A.V.
The 6th International Selenium Conferece (2016) Selenium in Biology, Chemistry and Medicine. (China. Guangzhou-Shengzhen-Meizhou. October 20-26, 2016). [б.и.]. 2016. P. 34-34
Zhegalova I.V., Skalnaya M.G., Yurasov V.V., Tinkov A.A., Demidov V.A., Skalny A.V.
Aghajanian's reading. Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН). P. 98-99

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