Быкова И.А.

Bykova I.A.

List of records

Polikarpova A.M., Notina E.A., Bykova I.A.
Modern Paradigm of the Scientific Knowledge: Actuality and Prospects: proceedings of the V International Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages. Языки Народов Мира. 2017. P. 106-107
Bykova I., Notina E.
Scopus / WoS. 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2017/ Conference Proceedings Book 3 Science and Society Volume 1 Language and Linguistics Health policy and Services. [б.и.]. Vol. 1. 2017. P. 51-59
Bykova I.A.
Modern paradigm of the Scientific Knowledge: Actuality and Prospects: Proceeding of the IV International Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages "Modern paradigm of the Scientific Knowledge: Actuality and Prospects"(Moscow, April, 13, 2016). Языки народов мира. 2016. P. 371-376

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